Embracing Technology in Your Business Without the Overwhelm

diy vs outsourcing heart-centered business overcoming tech overwhelm sustainable business growth tech mastery for coaches

Embracing Technology as a Heart-Centered Coach: From Overwhelm to Empowerment

I know so many of us have struggled with at some point—technology. If the word alone makes you want to roll your eyes or run the other way, I hear you. Trust me, I’ve been there, too. But today, I want to explore how we can shift our mindset around tech and make it an empowering tool rather than a frustrating barrier in our businesses.


Why Technology Feels So Overwhelming

Let’s start by getting real about why tech feels so overwhelming for heart-centered coaches and healers like us. We didn’t sign up for this gig to be tech gurus—we’re here to make a difference in people’s lives, to help them heal, grow, and transform. But as business owners, especially in today’s digital world, technology is a part of that journey. Whether it’s setting up a website, creating social media content, or automating your client scheduling, tech can feel like a never-ending rabbit hole.


Here are a few common reasons why technology might feel daunting:

  • It’s unfamiliar

    Many of us come from backgrounds where technology wasn’t a focus. I spent years as a nurse, and while I could navigate medical software, starting an online business felt like learning an entirely new language.

  • It’s time-consuming

    When you’re wearing all the hats in your business, it feels like you don’t have time to sit down and learn new platforms.

  • Perfectionism

There’s this belief that everything has to look professional and polished right from the start, which can make tech feel like an obstacle rather than a tool.

But here’s the thing: Technology doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You don’t have to be “tech-savvy” to use it effectively in your business. In fact, you can create systems that work for you, so you can focus on what you truly love—serving your clients.


Shifting Your Mindset: Technology as a Tool, Not a Barrier

First things first: we need to reframe the way we think about technology. It’s easy to get stuck in the mindset that tech is something you’re “bad” at or something that’s holding you back. But what if we looked at it as a tool for growth, freedom, and expansion? Instead of being a barrier, technology can actually make your life easier once you embrace it.

Here are some things to remember so you can start shifting your mindset:

  • Technology is learnable

None of us were born knowing how to set up email automations or sync our calendars. Like any other skill, it’s something you can learn step by step.

  • Start small

    You don’t need to know everything at once. Pick one thing, learn it, and master it before moving on to the next. Maybe it’s just figuring out how to use a simple scheduling tool, and then, once that’s comfortable, you move on to email marketing.

  • Celebrate the wins

Every new skill you learn is a step toward running your business more efficiently. Even if it’s something small, like creating a graphic in Canva, acknowledge the progress you’re making.


The Stages of Technology Mastery

I like to think about technology mastery as a journey with different stages. You don’t have to jump into the deep end and try to do it all at once. Depending on where you are in your business, your tech needs will be different. Let’s break it down:

Stage 1: Early-Stage Coaches

If you’re in the first year or two of your coaching business and still working on finding your niche and signing those first few clients, this is where you are. Your main focus should be on mastering your coaching and selling skills—not on perfecting your tech stack.

Here’s the simple tech stack you need at this stage:

  1. Payment Processor – You need a way for clients to pay you. Options like Stripe, PayPal, or Square work well and are easy to set up.
  2. Contract Delivery – You’ll need a way to send clients contracts for signing. Platforms like HelloSign, JotForm, or even a simple PDF sent over email will do the trick.
  3. Scheduling Tool – I recommend using something like Calendly, which integrates with Google Calendar and makes scheduling easy. If you’re not ready to automate this yet, even manually emailing back and forth works.
  4. Email for Communication – Google Workspace or any email service you’re comfortable with will work for this. Just make sure you have a professional email dedicated to your business.

That’s it. You don’t need a website, complex email automations, or a perfectly designed social media feed. Keep things simple so that your energy stays focused on serving clients and growing your skills.

Stage 2: Growing Coaches

Once you’ve been in business for a couple of years and have signed around 15 to 25 clients, it’s time to start thinking about automating and streamlining a bit more. You’re getting clearer on your niche, and you’re ready to increase your visibility.

Here’s what you need at this stage:

  1. Everything from Stage 1, plus:
  2. Email Marketing Platform – This is where you’ll start building an email list. I recommend platforms like Flowdesk, MailChimp, or ActiveCampaign. You can create simple automations, like a welcome sequence for new subscribers.
  3. DIY Website or Landing Page – At this stage, you might want a simple landing page that serves as an online business card. Tools like Squarespace or Wix are great for this. You don’t need a full-blown website—just something to direct people to where they can learn more about you and book a call.
  4. Freebie or Lead Magnet – Create a simple PDF, worksheet, or guided meditation that you can offer to grow your email list. Don’t overthink this—a Google Doc can work just fine. 

Stage 3: Established Coaches

Once you’ve signed more than 25 clients and have been in business for 3+ years, you’re entering a new level of growth. Your focus here is on creating sustainability and scaling your business, which means automating even more and possibly building a team.

Here’s your advanced tech stack:

  1. Everything from Stage 1 and 2, plus:
  2. Project Management System – Tools like Basecamp, Asana, or Trello help you stay organized and on top of tasks.
  3. Professional Website Design – Now is a good time to invest in a professional website and branding if you haven’t already.
  4. Evergreen Offers or Online Courses – As you scale, you might want to create more passive income through evergreen offers or courses. This can be a big project, so only take it on if it feels aligned and exciting for you.
  5. Outsourcing – Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant, a social media manager, or someone to help with admin tasks, this is the stage where you’ll want to start outsourcing things that are not in your zone of genius.


Common Barriers to Tech and How to Overcome Them

Let’s talk about some of the most common barriers to using tech and how you can overcome them.

1. “I’m not tech-savvy.”

How many times have you told yourself this? I get it—tech can feel intimidating if it’s not something you’re used to. But the truth is, no one is born tech-savvy. It’s a learnable skill, and you’re capable of mastering it just like any other.

Solution: Start with one simple tool. Maybe it’s learning how to schedule your clients in Calendly or sending a contract through HelloSign. Take baby steps, and celebrate each win.

2. Tech as a Distraction

Sometimes we dive into tech as a way to avoid the harder work of connecting with people. It feels productive to spend hours tweaking your website or perfecting your Canva designs, but if you’re avoiding client outreach, that’s where the real growth is going to happen.

Solution: Set a time limit on tech tasks and prioritize client connection first. Make sure the time you spend on tech is purposeful and not just busy work.

3. Perfectionism

You don’t need everything to be perfect before you start. I see so many coaches wait to launch their business until their website is perfect, their social media looks flawless, or they have all the “right” tools in place. But guess what? You can run a successful business without any of that.

Solution: Give yourself permission to be messy. Start where you are, and remember that done is better than perfect. The most important thing is to get out there, connect with people, and offer your services.


When to DIY and When to Outsource

Another question I get all the time is, “When should I DIY, and when should I outsource?” The answer depends on where you are in your business and your resources.

DIY in the Early Stages

If you’re just starting out, DIYing as much as possible can be a great way to save money and really understand your business. When you DIY, you learn the ins and outs of how your systems work, which is incredibly valuable as you grow.

That being said, set boundaries around how much time you spend DIYing. It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending weeks building a website that no one sees, while avoiding the actual work of connecting with clients.

Outsourcing as You Grow

As your business grows, your time and energy become more valuable. This is when outsourcing can really help. If you’re spending hours on tasks like social media that drain you, consider hiring a virtual assistant for just a few hours a week. This allows you to focus on the high-level tasks that only you can do—like connecting with clients, creating content, and coaching.


Overcoming Resistance to Technology

To wrap things up, I want to leave you with a few actionable tips to overcome any resistance you might feel around technology:

  • Acknowledge your feelings

It’s okay to feel intimidated by tech. Recognize those feelings without judgment and remind yourself that you can learn anything.

  • Start small

Choose one simple tool to learn and master at a time. This could be something as easy as learning how to automate your emails or schedule clients.

  • Set aside dedicated tech time

Schedule time each week to explore new tools without distractions. Set a timer to avoid getting sucked into hours of tweaking things that aren’t essential.

  • Utilize resources

There are so many resources out there—YouTube tutorials, Facebook communities, and my Tech Mastery for Coaches membership—to help you learn.

  • Celebrate your wins

Every new skill is a step toward running a more efficient, empowered business. Celebrate the heck out of that!


Ready to dive deeper into mastering the technology side of your business?

If you’re, I invite you to join my membership, Tech Mastery for Coaches. This membership is designed specifically for heart-centered coaches who want to feel confident and empowered using technology in their business. You’ll get access to live Q&A calls, workshops, video tutorials, templates, and more.

Right now, I’m offering a special flash sale—only $11 for the first month (normally $457)! So if you’re ready to ditch the tech overwhelm and start feeling confident and aligned in your business systems, now is the time to join.

CLICK HERE to sign up and start your journey toward tech mastery today!

I can’t wait to see how you start embracing technology in your own unique way. Remember, you’ve got this!



Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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