Money-Making Actions That Most People Don't Think About

aligned entrepreneur energetic business heart centered business rest and receive soul led success

Hidden Money-Making Actions Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

In the business world—there are actually hidden money-making actions that don’t fit the traditional mold. You see, we usually think about making money through sales strategies, marketing tactics, or launching offers, right? But I’ve found that some of the most powerful actions that contribute to your long-term financial success have nothing to do with those things.

I’m talking about the actions that nourish your mind, body, soul, and relationships. These are the game-changers that create a solid foundation for sustained growth in your business and in your life. So, let’s explore these hidden money-making actions and how they’ll help you avoid burnout, foster creativity, and—yes—make more money.


1. The Power of Rest: A Money-Making Action

You know me—I’m always going to talk about rest. But let me explain why it’s actually crucial for making money in your business. From an energetic standpoint, when we’re always hustling and grinding, we’re creating this chaotic energy that actually blocks money from flowing to us. Money loves to flow, but it wants to go where there’s ease and space for it. If we’re constantly pushing, money gets repelled by that graspy energy.

Think about it. How many times have you pushed yourself to the point of burnout, only to find that you’re stuck and stagnant in your business? That’s because burnout completely halts your progress. If you don’t rest, you can’t show up as your best self for your clients, your business, or even your personal life. Trust me when I say, resting is a money-making action.

How to Schedule Rest in Your Business

In my own business, I schedule a “light week” every month. That means no client calls unless I manually schedule them in, and I have the flexibility to decide how I want to spend that time—whether it’s taking a vacation, working on creative projects, or just giving myself space to recharge. Every six months, I plan out these light weeks, and it has been such a gift to my future self.

Action Step: Take out your calendar and schedule one week (or a few days) where you intentionally rest. If a week feels too long, start small with one or two days where you completely unplug from your business.


2. Fun: The Overlooked Path to Financial Success

In contrast to rest, we have fun! Fun, joy, and playfulness are often missing pieces when people struggle to create the financial success they desire. When you allow yourself to have fun in your life and business, you raise your energetic vibration. This higher vibe makes you magnetic, which in turn attracts aligned clients and opportunities.

When you’re enjoying yourself, it shows. That joy becomes magnetic, making your marketing easier, your sales calls smoother, and your energy contagious.

Incorporating Fun into Your Business and Life

Think about something that truly lights you up. Do you enjoy content creation? Set aside a day to batch-create in a way that feels fun and inspiring. Or maybe networking events are your jam—find a local one and sign up. The point is to infuse fun into your business because when you do, it brings a level of joy that can’t help but lead to success.

Action Step: What’s one fun activity you can add to your calendar today? Whether it’s creating content, attending a networking event, or simply setting up a coffee date with a friend, make time for fun.


3. Evaluation: The Key to Growth and Clarity

One of the most underrated money-making actions is evaluating what’s working in your business and what’s not. I used to skip this step, but the truth is that if you’re not regularly evaluating your actions, you’re likely spinning your wheels.

For example, after my first failed launch, I didn’t bother to sit down and really assess what went wrong. I just moved on to the next thing. But when I started intentionally evaluating my launches, I could see what needed to change—whether it was my messaging, my energy, or my strategy. Over time, I could spot patterns in what worked and what didn’t.

How to Evaluate Your Business

Set aside time at the end of each project, launch, or quarter to ask yourself: What went well? What didn’t? What can I do better next time? Don’t skip this step—it’s the secret to long-term success.

Action Step: Block off some time this week to evaluate your last project or launch. Ask yourself those simple but powerful questions: What worked? What didn’t? What can I improve?


4. Health: The Foundation of Your Financial Success

As heart-centered coaches and healers, our health is directly linked to our success. If you’re not prioritizing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, you can’t pour into your business from a place of abundance. It’s so important to take care of yourself, whether that means going to therapy, eating nourishing food, getting enough sleep, or moving your body.

When I was struggling with postpartum depression, it took a while to get back to feeling like myself. But once I started prioritizing my health, my energy for my business completely shifted. I was no longer forcing things—I had the stamina and mental clarity to make aligned decisions and grow my business.

Action Step: What’s one small thing you can do to take better care of your health this week? Whether it’s scheduling a therapy session, going for a walk, or getting to bed earlier, prioritize your well-being.


5. Relationships: A Money-Making Action

Nurturing your relationships—both personal and professional—is another key money-making action that often gets overlooked. Your support system is crucial as an entrepreneur, whether it’s your partner, friends, family, or fellow coaches and healers. Strong relationships provide emotional support when the inevitable ups and downs of entrepreneurship hit.

Personal Relationships

For me, making time for my husband and son has been a huge priority. When I’m happy and fulfilled in my personal life, I show up better in my business. These relationships are the foundation of everything else, and nurturing them directly impacts the success of my business.

Professional Relationships

Building strong relationships within your industry can lead to collaborations, referrals, and new opportunities. Don’t underestimate the power of connection—not just with potential clients, but with other coaches and professionals in your field.

Action Step: Take a moment to think about one relationship you can nurture this week, whether it’s a personal or professional connection. Reach out, reconnect, and pour into that relationship.


6. Delegating: Freeing Up Your Energy for High-Value Work

Finally, let’s talk about delegation. This one took me a while to get comfortable with, but it’s a game-changer. Delegating tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius frees up your time and energy to focus on what really matters—serving your clients, creating content, and growing your business.

Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant, an OBM, or simply outsourcing tasks like bookkeeping, delegating is a smart investment that allows you to focus on the high-value activities that bring in more money.

How to Start Delegating

If you’re not sure where to start, look at your calendar. What’s one task you could delegate this week that would free up time for you to focus on your zone of genius?

Action Step: Choose one task you can delegate this week and take action to get it off your plate.


Final Thoughts

There you have it—six hidden money-making actions that, when incorporated into your life and business, will not only help you make more money but also allow you to build a business that’s aligned with your heart and soul. From resting and having fun, to evaluating, prioritizing your health, nurturing relationships, and delegating—you now have the tools to create sustainable success.

I’d love to know—what’s one action from this list that surprised you? And what are you going to implement first? Shoot me an email or DM me on social with your biggest takeaway!

And if you're ready for deep support in growing your soul-led business in a way that feels aligned and abundant, I’ve got two spots opening for 1:1 coaching in the new year. Apply here to reserve your spot—I can’t wait to support you in making 2024 your most expansive year yet.

Until next time, love. đź’–




Are you ready to create a heart-aligned business?

I work with people in many different ways. From 1:1 coaching and memberships, to group coaching or supporting you in my free community, there are lots of opportunities that I offer in order to connect and have a transformative experience that will serve you and your soul-led business.

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